The Numerology of March 2023

Welcome to the new beginning and the new 9-month cycle



Welcome to March! Welcome to the beginning of a new 9-month cycle. This numerical frequency will make it feel like the new year is officially starting because the March 2023 vibration is the mighty 1! This is the month where you may feel like the Magician, putting all your tools to use and stepping into your power. If you felt powerless now is the time to reclaim your time, your power, and to show yourself. Last month was about reviewing, clearing, cleaning, not speaking too loud as to not make mistakes you will have to deal with up until or in November 2023, silently healing, and removing anything you’re finally clear about that is no longer serving you. Yes, February 2023 was tough for many of us, but if you allowed yourself to be true to yourself and your own internal healing, congratulations; you graduated to this next 9-month cycle of newness. We have another 9 month in November so there is another month of completion this year that could bring closure/clarity to anything that happened in February. #markyourcalendars

In March you get to shine yourself up. You get to reap the benefits of your ONENESS and individuality. You get to feel your renewal in a big way. Shit, you get to show off. You get to not shrink yourself when you walk into a room, you get to take up major space unapologetically. Some of you have been hiding yourself and diming your own light and I get it. But this would be the month where you remind yourself of who you are and even if you do not know who you are, you get to acknowledge that you want to know more about yourself and try to make it happen.

This month is about newness, new opportunities (especially if you are looking for new employment), new love, new look, new money, new spiritual tribes (especially if you removed old tribe members last month or last December), new spiritual routines, new health regimens, new lipstick colors, new crystal collections, new business ventures, and new clear enlightenment.

The rose colored glasses are off. Some of you may even have clearer eyesight and vision. Some of you are getting your focus back. Some of you have broken free from family/blood line/ancestral issues, some of you have broken free from love relationships that kept you stuck (even if they ended a long time ago), some of you have broken witchcraft done against you or your bloodline, some of you are just starting to feel good, and some of you are stepping into your power. Celebrate my dear, you have graduated.

Cheers to new beginnings.


#artbyme 🥰

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